Liquid Bridge Plug OCSG 12362, Well B3

Well Information

Main Pass 299B (GoM)
3/8″ Control Line
0.049″ ID
Salt Water
12.0 lb/gal
100 F
25 min


The 3/8” chemical injection lines were pressured up and down to verify the lines
were clear. 1 gallon of Liquid Bridge Plug was pumped down three 3/8” control lines
using a “ENERPAC HYDROLIC” hand pump. Per 100’ of 3/8” control line has a
volume of 7.6 ounces. The “ENERPAC HYDROLIC” hand pump held a volume of
1.5 gallons. Liquid Bridge Plug was displaced with sea water. 35 full strokes on the
hand pump equaled 100’ linear fill inside the control line. The top of Liquid Bridge
Plug was left at 1,000’ RKB.


All three lines were successfully sealed/plugged with Liquid Bridge Plug
and P&A operations commenced per Freeport McMorran.