Poly Plug Mitchell 2-34

Well Information

Grady Country, Okla.
12.3 ppg
2 hr


Lost complete returns at 16714′ (Oil Creek Sand) Approx. 1000 bbls of OBM
lost while attempt. to circ. M.W. cut back to 11.8 ppg-12.0 ppg with system
LCM conc.20 ppb. An additional 700 bbls were lost with spotting 40-50 ppb
LCM pills on btm. Fluid level checked with wireline determined to be @ 800
ft. with 12.0 ppg. fluid. A 60 bbl Poly Plug pill was mixed and set within the
well bore. After 6 hours the annulus was filled with 30 bbls of 11.8 ppg OBM
with some seepage noted a 2 bpm. The strg. was stripped into the well bore
to 16273′ and attempts to circ. were no with no returns. A second 60 bbl
Poly Plug pill was mixed and set within the well bore. After 120 bbls into the
displacement a trickle of returns were obtained, increasing to 75-80% once
all the displacement fluid had been pumped. The drill strg. was pulled to
15427′ and waited 5 hours before pulling to 7951′ within the 9 5/8″ csg. Full
returns were established at 7951′. The drill strg. was staged into the well
bore to the total depth of 16714′ with full returns. Drlg. was completed to the
depth of 16962′ with no further losses


Well bore was able to be drilled to objective with an
increase in M.W. to 14.2 ppg–Differential Increase(1675 psi)